41 Hotel

A stay at „41“ Buckingham Palace Road puts you right in the heart of London. Our elite 5-star location directly opposite the Royal Mews and just behind Buckingham Palace is ideal for business or leisure. 41 is an intimate and discreet hideaway in a league of its own – a cocoon in England’s capital that feels more like a traditional London club than a luxury boutique hotel.

The atmosphere is warm and inviting; the look is distinguished and quietly reassuring. A world of private luxury and round-the-clock attentive service – staff outnumber guests two-to-one - and with the best of London on its doorstep: the heart of British politics and history with Downing Street, the Houses of Parliament, and Westminster Abbey. Directly opposite Buckingham Palace are the Royal Parks and not far beyond are Piccadilly Circus, Trafalgar Square, and London’s West End theatreland.

Unforgettable luxury, state-of-the-art technology and one-of-a-kind character go hand-in-hand at this hidden gem of a hotel. Although no two rooms at 41 are alike, they do share a striking black-and-white theme. Within that simple device, our designers have come up with 30 unique rooms and suites, each with its own individual and stylish look, blending with a hint of romantic mystery.

You’ll instantly feel at home in the cosy wood-panelled lounge with its roaring fire, and you can eat and drink round-the-clock at your own pace. Choose between the opulent but informal Executive Lounge, the ultimate dining experience under a stunning glass roof overlooking the lounge, the award-winning Library at our neighbouring hotel, The Rubens at the Palace, and the cool and relaxed bbar restaurant, offering inventive cocktails and exciting African-Australian fusion cuisine

services available:

  • Restaurant

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